When I met Mary Jane at the recent Conference of Canada-US Servas Vancouver, youthful glow hit me. I thought maybe fifty years would then she revealed that she is 70! No wonder - this is a woman who radiates optimism, which always has a smile on her face. As a longtime member of Servas in the United States , Mary Jane has traveled the world and be a host , which has brought the world home - in fact, in nearly 30 years , opened his house around 300 travelers from all the world volunteer San Francisco.
From his childhood during World War II , grew up with a mother of Austria- Hungary and Japanese father , intercultural sensitivities Mary Jane is cut early, and began his commitment to social justice when she was very young volunteer San Francisco. Today, she is involved in a variety of causes in San Francisco and your time and dedication to make a difference - Mary Jane to build peace one person at a time. Here is a dynamic woman with a very interesting story volunteer San Francisco:
1. Please tell us a little about yourself volunteer San Francisco. Where are you , what is your profession , where do you live now?
I was born and raised in Pennsylvania . My parents were college graduates, but they were despised by the local and foreign. My father was not able to become a citizen because of the exclusion of Asia until early 1924 the Federal Law 1950, when the law was changed volunteer San Francisco.
Mary Jane volunteer San Francisco
My mother lost her citizenship because in the 1920s , when my parents got married , a woman who married a foreigner lost his nationality, no matter if it was a birth or a naturalized citizen also . This was not the case for men. Then my mother was naturalized twice. This law was finally changed in the 1930s volunteer San Francisco. Citizenship and human rights have become a major issue in my life.
As a first generation American , with a mother of Austria- Hungary and Japanese father , you can imagine the looks we received mixed race family with a " Caucasian mother and May 1, 10 '6 " Dad 5 of Asia. You can not imagine how we were treated growing during World War II to a German father and Japanese mother speaks volunteer San Francisco.
As a child , I knew that discrimination in society volunteer San Francisco. When a very dark blue and Kenyan camps Japanese American resettlement could not find a place to rent in the Philadelphia area - Trenton, came to live with us. And there were others who have stayed with us over the years, but that was before the Civil Rights Act of 1964 rejected the discrimination volunteer San Francisco.
Although I wanted to be an engineer like my father, I realized after my second year in college , it would not be possible. In the 1950s women were not considered engineering work . Therefore, when the Russians launched Sputnik , the U.S. launched a recruitment campaign for math and science majors to become teachers.
So I was drafted in the profession of education , where I worked for over 35 years. I had many roles related to education in public and private schools of the University and the Department of Education of the United States volunteer San Francisco - education, evaluation of educational programs, gender equality / civil rights / segregation - the integration , grant applications , budget and administration. Today, I'm retired but still working part time as a Title I math teacher for children who have reached the low to succeed in their regular classes volunteer San Francisco.
I live in San Francisco , which has a rich history of civic activism right and offers many opportunities to support the issues of peace and social justice. My life is enriched by my many volunteer San Francisco activities.
2. You have been a Servas member for many years. How did you hear about this organization and what was your first experience like travel volunteer San Francisco?
As a teacher, you have a large block of time for summer travel . One summer , I went to Denmark and had the opportunity to have the home of hospitality if the Dane Meet organized by the Office of Tourism Denmark. I was impressed by the experience and all during my sabbatical trip around the world , I kept looking home opportunities home volunteer San Francisco.
It was not until 1977 , when a cousin of Austria came to see me here in San Francisco , told me how she traveled the U.S. for three months with five other Americans and use Servas. I was delighted to find such an organization existed and immediately joined Servas - first as a host and as a traveler volunteer San Francisco.
My first travel experience was like with Servas host. Because I have a history of having people to stay at home have come easy Servas visitors volunteer San Francisco. It's just a two night stay and good conversation . Be a guest brings the travel experience of your home. My first visitors were a couple from Denmark , which has helped to better understand what is Servas. Because Servas was released in Denmark under the name of peacemakers and later changed to the word Esperanto Servas to serve, I realized that the purpose of the organization was to build peace , one person at a time . It was for me!
I had over 300 visitors Servas in my 28 years of Servas and I learned a lot of questions about who I am , what I believe , of the United States or not , and how it is learned. There are many ways to travel and see other places . One of the best ways to travel is through open conversations that go with a tour, either in your home or mine volunteer San Francisco.
3. Please tell us some stories about some of the international guests who stayed at home or while you travel-related volunteer San Francisco, and tell us how some of these experiences have opened my eyes ..