Direct Relief International!
The tragic conflict in Darfur has caused deaths totaling causing hundreds of thousands , while widespread devastation to the local area and the surrounding societies in the Republic of Sudan.More than two million internally displaced persons ( IPD ) now live in Sudan , while millions more suffer from extreme poverty and famine caused by the ongoing drought , desertification , and overpopulation direct relief international.
Citizens of Sudan , the largest country in Africa , have suffered for over 50 years. The First Sudanese Civil War (1955-1972) was followed by the Civil War ( 1983-2005 ) . Today conflict continues in the western Darfur section of Sudan is roughly the size of France.
" It is no accident that the violence in Darfur erupted during the drought direct relief international. " UN Secretary - General Ban Ki -moon
The desertification process can consume entire villages , turning the inhabitants into nomads , which in turn gives rise to tensions and sometimes violent conflict. Few are aware that this environmental crisis is expected to affect approximately one third of the Earth's land area . According to a recent article in Yale Environment 360 publications direct relief international, "Desertification claims a Nebraska -sized area of productive capacity each year worldwide. "
Village Reforestation and Restoration Initiative What is a pilot project can be applied to Darfur and other parts of Africa. The intention of the project is to cultivate native trees and shrubs that produce herbal medicines , elements supporting biofuels and honey production . This program not only reserves to restore groundwater levels and farmland , drinking will be a catalyst to stimulate local economies , encouraging entrepreneurs Promoting environment and rehabilitation .
Association of leads to success
I became aware of this ambitious program , Alissa Sears Global Improvement Christie Communications Director . With experience in International Development , Ms. Sears was eager to work in this program, which began with an assessment trip to Sudan in 2006 . What I found illuminating about the company itself was the business philosophy embraced by Gillian Christie direct relief international, founder and CEO." The Community Christie is succeeding in establishing a new business model Where are all together making peace profitable? Ethics for services and products , helping each others ' success , and work together to build a better world direct relief international. "
This is an approach that all companies around the world adopted . We can not separate the purpose of benefiting from the goal of building a sustainable world. It is time for compassion , ethics , fairness and respect yourself the characteristics of a large company , not only beating quarterly earnings estimates direct relief international.
" We are building replicable models based on community to address desertification and severe environmental degradation through development belt driven community forests , farmland , sustainable biofuels - fed irrigation systems , industries local and sustainable direct relief international. "
Aid Still Required
I was impressed to know that he had associated with Christie Communications is still needed to help launch the initiative. This international organization raised has responded to the needs of Hurricane Katrina humanitarian activities in the Asian tsunami and the current state Plaguing Darfur. Using donation facilities dedicated to making the Difference Network , may contribute to staff planting trees direct relief international. You can also watch the video with the help Kobe Bryant is still required .
Program Objectives
In addressing the fundamental issue of desertification , while empowering people through environmental stewardship direct relief international;Providing livelihoods and income generation Malthus untapped potentially decrease the cycle of poverty ;
Promoting cooperation of local communities , non - profit organizations , academic institutions , local and international business ;
Improving the status of women by supporting women 's education , community development , and scholarship opportunities direct relief international.
The idea is to plant a number of forest strips protect the floor from the fierce desert winds . About 30,000 trees, gain five species, occupy the area of 8 square kilometers. This also results in reducing temperatures in the surrounding area approach .
Project Management
Instead of a top down approach , so come and check out entertained by operating organizations , this project is managed by an organization based in the local community . Approximately 5.8 % of the budget will be provided by the local community through a fundraising strategy to share .Ms. Sears emphasized this project being the points lead by well-trained volunteers from the area, many of whom hold doctorates , and It is the Sudanese you provide virtually all the work . They own the process and success direct relief international.
The main advantage is that reforestation and distributor Village Restoration Initiative more than a solution to a particular problem , this type of program is designed to be holistic in nature , inclusive of the community, eco-friendly direct relief international, viable in the long term replicable across Africa.
Direct relief international - Project Advisory
Dr. C. Jean Weidemann , President of the Weidemann Foundation , is the project consultant . She is known worldwide as a specialist in microcredit and has authored over 40 books and publications, including the recent tries Development Programme United Nations Guide , supporting livelihoods of the women working in microfinance for the Majority . Among the Weidemann Foundation projects are school lunch programs for low-income children in Dakar , Senegal , co - sponsored by the UCSB Capps Center microcredit reading in Haiti , Direct Relief International for funding as the survivors of the Rwandan genocide , women and carriers of Tibetan nuns in India.Greatness inspire
Ago a dear friend a few years gave a copy of Walden by Henry David Thoreau me . If you've ever read , you know that is a fundamental work in the simplicity and beauty of life and nature, and more than 150 years after the renewed importance of ICT for our current environmental conditions .I found this quote from Walden in the newsletter Christie Communications, and exemplifies one of the ideals of the Patriot Global Information that we have the ability to achieve success unexpected in our lives direct relief international.
" I learned this , at least from my experience, that if one advances confidently in the direction of when old dreams , and endeavors to live the life I 've imagined Which, I will meet with success unexpected sense in common hours . " - Henry David Thoreau , Walden .