Orphaned Rogue Interstellar Planets: Orphan definition

    Our solar system now seems likely to be a rather well-ordered - it works like clockwork, is predictable , and is quite soft in general. It was not always so, and not always so in the future. In those first chaotic when they formed the proto - proto sun - planets , the orbital dynamics were anything but orderly . Collisions and close encounters between these proto Orphan definition- objects and the associated interaction gravitational forces at play so some of snail in the proto - sun, others in the gravitational dance troupe were thrown into a kind of deep way the system proto - full solar .

   In the future, as our Sun and solar system , and hundreds of thousands of nearby suns " ( stars ) in orbit around the galactic center , the distances between the variable stars , which sometimes come close enough to their respective gravitational forces to cause another ball and throw monkey key in peace and quiet and neat -ness of the respective star systems and debris ( like planets orbiting suns their parents) . as in the past , some objects may be interrupted and break off and fall into its sun, or be expelled from the sun's gravitational control and come in any space and a lonely , endless night of existence. Moreover, the removal process is alive and well in binary ( tug of war ) star systems ( and there are many of them around) .

    Although there is nothing to say about these organizations unfortunate ( and ways of life - in your case ) who get in their soles cataclysmic parents is not quite "the end" of Orphan definitions now without sunshine. It could be multi - thousands (or more) of the Orphan definitioned planets ( of all sizes and with makeup ) in the past the light and space solar power a sun. It could be an Orphan definition on a planet light years from us and never know or suspect Orphan definition.

   Orphan definition planets could be organized in the depths of space alone? Well, if a large interstellar dust and gas clouds are gravitationally collapsing to form a star ( s ) and associated star system (solar ) , do not see why a small cloud of interstellar dust gas could collapse to form an object of size of the planet , probably a " failed star " , like Jupiter , possibly with moons. From this, of course , it is easy to extrapolate and propose a Jovian 'failed stars' may have smaller households (planets ) Form and same orbit - a solar system nearly invisible . Or maybe it's just an Orphan definition planet associated moons . Well definition amounts to the same thing - a rose by any other name applies Orphan definition .

   Whatever the original source , conventional wisdom suggests that these Orphan definitions should be dead , even though before the event, had life Orphan definition.

   When I was a high school biology student (1962-1963) , was absolutely gospel ( and declared mismatch ) that our sun was the alpha and omega of existence of life on earth. No sun , no life . All life depends ultimately photosynthetic plants which in turn could not exist without sunlight . Still, I think I remember speculation (Carl Sagan ? ) On the possibility of a non-photosynthetic ecology from the atmosphere of Jupiter, which was a great joy without end - but it was not jupiter photosynthetic broke the mold Orphan definition, but the old Mother Earth same . While gospel is not the gospel more ! Today we know of chemosynthesis ( organisms that can produce organic compounds from inorganic substances and gain energy in the process. )

   A well-known , but little understood , for example , colonies of microbes chemosynthesis (nicknamed " rusticles ' ) eat the iron structure of the RMS Titanic , resting four kilometers below the surface of the North Atlantic. In one or two generations , the famous wreck is largely consumed by microbes , no benefit provided by our sun .

   But a planet Orphan definition has serious problems besides a lack of solar energy. What about heat? Heat sources ( with the exception of a father sun ) include gravitational contraction , radioactivity , chemical activity , friction, etc. Therefore, the heat should not be too much of a problem for some planetary residences Orphan definition. Rocky planets like Earth radioactive elements that are part of its crust and interior, and the radioactive decay produces heat, and the rock is a good insulator . I doubt that the chemical activity or friction help a lot, but for planets the size of Jupiter , the gravitational contraction means that such planets ( like Jupiter , Saturn and Neptune ) emit more heat energy than they receive the sun .

    Of course , friction may be a heat source, in some rare cases . Another scenario is plausible if heat an Orphan definition planet had a satellite ( s ) of good composition. The satellite ( s ) can be heated by friction courtesy tidal forces your planet for Orphan definitions similar to what we see on Io and Europa . These satellites are heated by tidal effects of Jupiter attractions within these moons are bent and stretched and compressed , always alternating between extremes . Resulting friction results in heating Orphan definition . An alternative version could be two planets Orphan definitions approximately the same size , which orbits relatively close to each other . Everyone would be tidal heating time each , but only for a while. No thermal energy can be produced from nothing , and the price paid would be increasing its orbital separation until gravity so weak ties that would - for all intents and purposes - two Orphan definitions different planets . Looks like our own Moon removed from the Earth Mother Orphan definition, albeit very slowly , over time Orphan definition.

    However, the heat tends to be the waste product of definitive end to the entire chain of energy events . Heat alone is not useful as an energy source for living beings , although very useful in contributing to the feeling of the environment in which organisms grow as maintaining proper temperatures for liquid water or biochemical reactions. I mean an infrared lamp can feel great , but will not provide all the calories !

 Orphan definition!

   Can we have a source of the event life ( biogenesis ) of an Orphan definition planet ? Why not , as long as you have the right chemicals , while mixing in a suitable liquid medium (water most likely) , and an energy source ( s ) and time .

Thus, one could have an Orphan definition planet biogenesis event , along with appropriate chemicals and heat chemosynthesis . What do you want ! Well, there are positive?

GENERAL -Orphan definition BENEFITS  

   Are there any obvious advantages to be a way of life on a planet Orphan definition? I think so. What if your initial parent star was a variable star , or a very massive star will have a very short life , perhaps ending a supernova - an Orphan definition advantage . Maybe your initial orbit was so unbalanced ( elliptical ) that alternately frozen and fried - Orphan definition advantage . Gravitational ( tidal ) locking - keep an ever went to one hemisphere point , for example the surface of its parent star - causing extreme temperatures, now is irrelevant. The tilt of its axis ( which can also cause extreme heating / cooling time is also relevant , as would be relatively soft , Solar lead , then also live in deep space .. - a - visa packed full solar system debris greatly reduces the impact of a type of nasty collision dense atmosphere of Jupiter (Jupiter ) or thick layer of ice is probably a good protection against radiation, but even a nearby supernova could be bad news .. also is isolated of all kinds of nasty bug-eyed alien monster . they can easily find solar systems , but not Orphan definitions. , in all cases , the Orphan definition planet are not very desirable real estate in the alien invaders !


     So if the Earth (experiment) has been expelled from the solar system (assuming first that nothing could survive these forces to start ) and left in a vacuum of interstellar space ?

    It got very cold very quickly . In fact , we would be exposed to temperatures close to absolute zero within a fairly short .

    All of our oceans and freshwater bodies from freezing , but because the inner planet still hot interstellar ( radioactivity and geothermal energy) , it is unlikely that the oceans from freezing solid . In fact, the ice could isolate liquid water under intense near absolute zero temperatures higher.

    Most of the likely constituents of the atmosphere freeze interstellar temperatures near absolute zero. Of course , it could be " exploited " for necessities such as oxygen.


    And if the land had been ejected from the solar system and interstellar was traveling before the man arrived at the scene. The whole ecology of photosynthesis and community went overboard . All ecologies and communities , with the exception of the surface to succumb to the intense cold chemosynthesis base could survive . In other words , communities deep in the deep ocean or existing underground . There would be a lot of chemosynthetic organisms , some invertebrates feed them, maybe some of vertebrate fish eat them. A former dependent photosynthetic life forms will now survive outside chemosynthetic producers , or go kaput .

    Thusly , photosynthetic primary producers (plants ) will not survive , although some may be kept artificially if they were beneficial to humans .

    Land animals , plants and animals depend on the existing surface , especially large animals, are doomed , but once again , a fraction is rescued by surviving so useful.

    Marine organisms can survive if they could get chemosynthetic food sources , or whether they were beneficial to humans . Oh, that would eliminate most life forms based on the ocean .

    Humans could survive ? Our technology could be close equalizer here . There is no doubt that this would be a disaster of immense proportions . The carrying capacity of the Earth would be considerably reduced . However, from geothermal and nuclear energy to heat , and nurture chemosynthetic primary producers of food (mostly) human civilization could continue.


We still need a source ( s ) of energy. Hydroelectric and tidal energy would for the tips, same sun (obviously). Oil, gas and coal would not last long , and it would be difficult to achieve in the circumstances anyway . Nuclear is likely to be the proverbial " it " .


      How much would you be able to maintain and grow our traditional photosynthetic plants in such conditions? This culture is limited , but perhaps not entirely impossible .

It wastes (smart energy ) of beef grass or grain chicken thigh . Probably should avoid animal environment and consume grass or grain directly . In short , we would need pure vegetarian .


    With resources stretched , many lifestyle and luxury lifestyle would go by the board. Pets are probably out , and therefore would be of speculation, idem vacation and inefficient appliances . Entertainment could be considered an unnecessary use of scarce resources.


   There would be little in the way of a land vehicle . It can be difficult to operate the types of land vehicles that are used at temperatures close to absolute zero. The airline would be as little atmosphere (probably hydrogen / helium) is talking - probably almost empty , all possible effects. He could be our boats in sea ice , but maybe even submarines could exist in the ice universal travel .

Orphan definition EARTH - LONG TERM

    In the longer term , of course , the radioactivity decays away from stable atoms , geothermal heat leaks into the space - the final destination, a cold, dark life on Earth exists in the eternal night . But the ultimate future is not much better in the inner solar system . If the soil stays where it is present, its last death fry as the sun runs out of energy, but first extends out beyond the orbit of Earth . Therefore, frying or gel - is one or the other. In fact , our final destination is like a miniature of the entire cosmos , which will experience a Big Crunch (FRY ) or increase forever , which results in a cosmological heat death (gel ) .

Orphan definition CONCLUSIONS

    One day in the not too distant future , it will be fairly simple exercise to compare the solar system - which is a typical solar system , which is an unusual solar system , what the overall fraction of the terrestrial planets , ie the fraction of planets like Jupiter , asteroid belts or Oort cloud , how old is typical solar system , so a fair representative data points are at hand . However, the central questions that the typical world and a haven for life is still difficult to answer, because this population of Orphan definition planets ( and age too) will take time to resolve .