A volunteer organization dedicated to the welfare of stray dogs and homeless people in the volunteer Austin area volunteer Austin, Blue Dog Rescue offers hope for hundreds of dogs every year that otherwise face euthanasia. Provide encouragement and rescue team volunteer placement services blue dog house to give these beautiful dogs a second chance at life and loving homes they deserve volunteer Austin.
Many dogs end up in shelters because of irresponsible breeding practices . Rescue dogs pet sterilizations supports to prevent these unwanted births . They have a strict policy of sterilization of all dogs over six months and require future owners agree to sterilize puppies under six months at the right time , this policy ensures that fewer unwanted puppies will be born in the Austin area volunteer Austin.
Blue Dog Rescue offers at least seven days in foster care and observation of all dogs in their online program, which allows the volunteers to interact with the dog and evaluate your unique personality. This period of interaction allows dog to give a detailed description of the dog's temperament and physical condition volunteer Austin. Volunteers determine how he or she interacts with children , adults and other animals, and provide this information to adoptive families , allowing them a clear picture of the health and dog socialization .
Individuals and families who want to adopt a pet Blue Rescue dogs go through a comprehensive application process including written forms , a personal interview and a visit to the house where the dog will live . This ensures that each adoption Blue has more chances of success for both the dog and the adoptive family. Adoption fees are moderate and do not fully cover the cost of medical care and food , the difference is through donations , sponsorships and fundraising volunteer Austin.
A collection of highly anticipated annual fund Barkitecture is an advantage for animal protection organizations in the region, including Blue Rescue dogs . Local architects , builders and designers compete to create niches that reflect your unique style , niches are then auctioned and the funds delivered to a variety of shelters and animal rescue volunteer Austin. BlueDogs Rescue is a charity offered for the volunteer Austin Marathon and participates in the program 26 Miles 26 charities with local brokers to support fundraising efforts bluedog rescue animals. Annual Calendar Blue Dogs rescue celebrities with their dogs provides additional funds to support their volunteer work. Local musicians often participate in concerts to benefit this worthy cause too volunteer Austin.
Blue Dog Rescue offers a variety of opportunities for adoption throughout the year supply stores for local animals and other community events . These sessions " meet and greet " designed to show dogs and arranging owners and future volunteers , raise awareness and encourage owners to spay and neuter their pets volunteer Austin.
Blue Dog Rescue offers stray dogs a second chance to find a loving home . By carefully collated dog owners , Blue Dog provides the best possible chance of successful adoption and a forever home for their dogs. Blue Dog Rescue and other organizations to protect local animals show that Austin has heart as big as Texas volunteer Austin.