UNHCR Jobs : Our United Nations, Our World, Our Folly

     All United Nations should value unhcr jobs. Its website proclaims : "This is your world " According to the site , "The UN has four main objectives : to maintain peace in the world, the development of friendly relations among nations , to help nations work together to improve the lives of poor people , to conquer hunger , disease and illiteracy and promote respect for rights and freedoms of others , to be a center for harmonizing the actions of nations to achieve these goals . " What being rational , what the United States, this Zambizean or Moldova or Kazakhstanian might disagree with this sublime dedication to peace , friendship , respect and harmony among nations , UN came even close to achieving unhcr jobs?

    Forget about the origins of the UN, ngotiations sleazey that led to its creation , with the invaluable help in this process of perjury and convicted Soviet spy , Alger Hiss . Forget repetitive failure , abject in the 66 years of its existence , the presence of China, Cuba and Libya in the " Human Rights Council " , even anti-Americanism in recent years. The U.N. is "our world" unhcr jobs.

    The United Nations began with 51 countries after the Second World War and is now transformed into a membership grew from 192 countries , most of which , if not outright contempt by his chief benefactor, the United States, a diplomatic contempt designed for our interests unhcr jobs.

    Despite all the negatives , the UN has become an international organization par excellence, the organization was unable to stop the incessant wars since World War II , the last best hope of mankind. Oh , also distributes children begging for UNICEF Halloween unhcr jobs.

Secretary- General Ban Ki -moon of South Korea , has announced a new initiative unhcr jobs.

    For a historical perspective , Mr. Ban succeeded Kofi Annan of Ghana. Annan had followed DR Egypt Boutros Boutros - Ghali and personally presided over the genocide in Rwanda. He was rewarded for this evil with the Office of the Secretary General . Using his new hat, oversaw a sexual harassment scandal United Nations , against the oil for food scandal , and his son, Kojo Annan raking millions in this disorder unhcr jobs.

Kofi was again awarded the Nobel Peace Prize unhcr jobs.

     Anyway, in recognition of World Day of Social Justice of the United Nations unhcr jobs, "Ban " calls for a " new era " in which all the world's people have access to basic services and "decently " paying " a goal that all citizens of good will in the world will suck easily . to accomplish this feat , the UN is trying to establish a " global welfare " that " ensures the health food security for all and pensions to 80 percent of people in the world believe that lack this protection : " http://tiny.cc/kcq0p .

    This is not exactly equivalent to a chicken in every pot , two cars in every garage , and an apple pie in each oven, or in heaven . This is closer to Nirvana , but on behalf of the slogans of "social justice" that involves inalienable rights and responsibilities .

Not that there's any problem with Nirvana unhcr jobs.

    The only problem , as with many of the problems of the UN, aspirations and dreams, is that Mr. Ban has no idea how to implement, with the exception of the usual , down to the floor and the United States to pay its dreams. The plan is similar in principle to the global promotion of carbon credits Warming Swindle United Nations . Nobody seriously believes America will benefit from carbon credits , just down our standard of living unhcr jobs, if we look more closely in the third world .

    The concept of basic services , decent jobs , food security , retirement pensions and medical needs of millions of people around the world who currently receive these benefits is ridiculously crazy and abroad , since these billions inside toilet unhcr jobs.

    The irony of his regime to ban the plethora of ironies involving the UN is that the UN has long demonstrated a serious inability to succeed in the most fundamental goal of world peace , and now is a promise land society milk, honey and pensions ?

    As with the global warming hoax , which is now called "climate change" for warmists can cover all the bases , President Obama probably get on board this new initiative of "social justice" . Nothing is more near and dear to his heart globalist Obama at the unhcr jobs, with the exception perhaps all of Islam .