Donating platelets and blood is one of the easiest ways to support your community ways and is a simple way you can save up to three lives. It is a relatively simple and quite safe. The process takes only an hour and requires little preparation . Before removing blood, a technical write your answers to the relevant questions and take a blood sample to make sure your blood is in compliance with minimum standards.
You must be in good health to donate blood and feel good at the time of donation. Additionally, you must be at least 18 years (17 with written parental consent )donating platelets . Donors must also weigh at least 110 pounds.
Blood centers often run under Type B blood and O RBCs . They obviously have a strong dependence on the public to donate blood regularly. In general , shortages often occur during the summer and holidays . For this reason, Bloodmobiles travel through many areas in schools , businesses , civic and religious organizations to collect blood from volunteers willing to give groups.
Donating platelets and blood are divided into three groups based on who will receive the collected blood . Blood and blood components are essential for the surgery and for the treatment of many types of cancer and immune system deficiencies . Donated blood is available for use within 48 hours after treatment . Donating platelets and blood does not put you at risk of the disease and your body replaces the plasma volume in 24 hours. Healthy bone marrow makes a constant supply of red blood cells , plasma and platelets. In addition, normal donors are the only source of blood.
Donors often have mild discomfort , but many say it hurts less than a paper cut. It is a rewarding way to give to your community and help others at the same time donating platelets.